My Story

My name is Allison. I am a 37 year old photographer and it all started with a passion. I have always worked in the Art field. I worked as a floral designer for almost 18 years. I had a few really bad things happen and it only paved the way for better things to unfold. After my mother passed away I took to photography as a outlet. I have always had a passion for astronomy and studied astronomy at a amateur level. I found out we had a local astronomy club at our University so I joined. I was given and entry level enthusiast Sony crop camera for Christmas awhile back and it sat in the box for a few months - One night while star gazing I wondered if I could shoot the stars through my telescope - I had no idea at that time that astrophotography was even a "thing". I started teaching myself how to shoot the night sky, I bought a "better" entry crop camera and got better results. Fast forward a few years and a job position opened at a local camera store. I decided to take a leap of faith and leave my totally secure 9-5 office job at the X-RAY/Ultrasound department for this job.
I now shoot with a full frame Canon 6D - I have been booking many jobs and my knowledge on cameras and photography has sky rocketed. Photography has been a godsend and I eat sleep live breathe photography.
The world is in fact a beautiful place, you just have to open you eyes.

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